H. Ikeda, S. Sekine, et. al. “Fine Pitch Micro-Bump Forming by Printing”
Proc. 2016 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP 2016), #TD2-4, pp260-264, Apr. 2016. (4/21) Sapporo.
H. Ikeda, S. Sekine, et. al. “3DIC/TSV Process Developments by Printing Technologies”, Proc. IEEE CPMT Symposium Japan (ICSJ 2015), pp140-143, Nov. 2015. (11/10) Kyoto.
H. Ikeda, S. Sekine, et. al. “Nano-Function Materials for TSV Technologies”
Proc. 2015 International 3D Systems Integration Conference (3DIC 2015), #TS5.3.1, pp. 89-94, Sep. 2015. Sendai.
H. Ikeda, S. Sekine, et. al. “Nano-Function Paste for Power Semiconductors”
Proc. 2015 International Conference on Electronics Packaging and iMAPS All Asia Conference (ICEP-IAAC 2015), #TE3-1, pp. 482-485, Apr. 2015. (4/16) Kyoto.
郎 豊群,加藤史樹,仲川 博,山口 浩,佐藤 弘(技術研究組合 次世代パワーエレクトロニクス研究開発機構(FUPET),(独)産業技術総合研究所),岡田圭二,木村竜司,進藤広明,関根重信 (ナプラ)
Nano-Function Paste for Power Semiconductors, Ikeda,H(Napra,Kobe Univ.),Sekine,S(Napra), Nagata,M(Kobe Univ.), et.al ICEP2015 Proceeding pp482-485, Apr. 2015
「高温動作SiCパワー素子の実装に向けたナノコンポジット構造合金微粉末 (AgコートCu+Sn-Cu合金)ペーストを用いたCu3Snの遷移的液相焼結」
(TLPS)Formation of Cu3Sn using Transient Liquid Phase Sintering (TLPS) with Ag-Coated Cu + Sn-Cu・Nanocomposite Powder Paste for Integration of SiC Power Devices
郎豊群、加藤史樹、仲川博、山口浩、佐藤弘((独)産業技術総合研究所、技術研究組合次世代パワーエレクトロニクス研究開発機構、)、木村竜司、進藤広明、関根重信 (ナプラ)
Bond of Al Electrode Side of SiC Power Devices Using Transient Liquid Phase Sintering(TLPS)-Cu+Ag/Sn+Cu・Nanocomposite Powder Paste
郎 豊群(技術研究組合次世代パワーエレクトロニクス研究開発機構)、加藤 史樹、仲川 博、山口 浩、佐藤 弘(技術研究組合次世代パワーエレクトロニクス研究開発機構、 (独)産業技術総合研究所 )、木村竜司、、関根 重信(ナプラ)
SiC及び関連半導体研究 第22回講演会 2013年12月9日
New Interconnection Alloy Metal for High Bonding Strength -Nano Composite Particles synthesized by nanomized method-
Sekine,S,Kimura,R, Okada,K, Shindo,H, Ooi,T(Napra), Itoh,U, Yoshida,M, Tokuhisa,H(AIST),
Proceedings of Electronics Packaging (ICEP), 2014 International Conference
p.152 – 155, Apr. 2014
Workfunction mapping of interface between crystalline Si and metal paste electrode using KFM , Yamada,F (Toyota Technological Institute), Yoshida, M(AIST), Aoki ,M(Toyota Technological Institute), Tokuhisa,H, Itoh,U (AIST), Sumida,I (Sumida Consulting), Sekine,S (Napra), Kamiya,I and Ohshita, Y (Toyota Technological Institute)、28th EU PVSEC、Oct., 2013
DEVELOPMENT OF CU PASTES CONTAINING A LOW MELTING POINT ALLOY FOR LOW TEMPERATURE SINTERING ,Tokuhisa,H, Yoshida,M, Morita,S, ItohU,(AIST), Sumida,I (Sumida Consulting), Sekine,S (Napra) and Kamata,T (AIST), 27th EU PVSEC, Oct., 2012
Recent progress on Cu pastes for silicon solar cells , Tokuhisa,H. Yoshida,M, Morita,S, Itoh,U (AIST), Sumida,I(Sumida Consulting), Sekine,S(Napra) and Kamata,T (AIST), 22nd Workshop on Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells & Modules: Materials and Processes, July., 2012
Novel Low-Temperature-Sintering Type Cu-Alloy Pastes for Silicon Solar Cells , Yoshida,M,,Tokuhisa,H, Itoh,U (Printed Electronics Device team), Sumida,I(Sumida Consulting),Sekine,S (Napra) and Kamata,T (AIST), Energy Procedia, vol.21 pp.66-74, June., 2012
Cu ALLOY PASTES CONTAINING LOW MELTING POINT (LMP) ALLOYS FOR SILICON SOLAR CELLS RECQUIRING LOW TEMPERATURE SINTERING , Tokuhisa,H, Yoshida,M, Morita,S, Itoh,U (AIST), Kamata,T (AIST), Sumida,I (Sumida Consulting) and Sekine,S (Napra), Technical Digest, PVSEC-21, Nov., 2011
Grass-fritless Cu alloy pastes for silicon solar cells recquiring low temperature sintering “, Yoshida,M,Tokuhisa,H, Itoh,U (AIST), Sumida,I (Sumida Consulting), Sekine,S (Napra) and Kamata,T (AIST),26th EUPVSEC, Nov.,2011
GLASS-FRITLESS CU ALLOY PASTES FOR SILICON SOLAR CELLS RECQUIRING LOW TEMPERATURE SINTERING, Tokuhisa,H, Yoshida,M, Itoh,U (AIST), KamataT (AIST), Sumida,I (Sumida Consulting) and Sekine ,S(Napra), 37th IEEE PVSC, June 2011
Study on TSV with new filling method and alloy for advanced 3D-SiP,Tsukada, A. Sato, R, Sekine, S. Kimura, R. Kishi, K. Sato, Y. Iwata, Y. Murata, H.,Proceedings of IEEE 61th Electrical Components and Technology Conference,p.1981-1986,June.2011